Friday, April 27, 2012

Learn How To Win at The Leadership Institute

Written by Scott Cooper

In the last 17 Months I have invested close to two weeks of my life and a few hundred dollars at The Leadership Institute.  The training I have received has been invaluable. 

If you are a part of the grassroots movement and you are ready to get beyond the protests and demonstrations that the media believes is the only thing the Tea Party is about…..if you are ready to leave Tea Party 1.0, and move into the more mature Tea Party 2.0 arena, the best place to start is getting an education at The Leadership Institute.

The Leadership Institute does not teach Party Loyalty, because it is non-partisan.  While it is primarily attended by conservatives, they accept students from both side of the aisle.  The Leadership Institute teaches teach how to win.

If you are a Constitutional Conservative, who is dismayed at where your party leadership has taken the party that you most closely align yourself with, I strongly urge you to get some training at The Leadership Institute.  Click Here to get their most recent training schedule.  If you have a group, they will make arrangements to come to you for a very reasonable cost.

If you have money to donate to the cause of educating our movement, please consider donating to this amazing organization.

In closing, I want to share with you the founder of LI, Morton Blackwell’s “The Laws of The Public Policy Process.”  There are 45 of them, and I will share have my top 6, and then link to the list.

45.          Pray as if it all depended on God; work as if it all depended on you.
19.          All gains are incremental; some increments aren’t gains.
31.          Don’t fully trust anyone until he has stuck with a good cause which he saw was losing.
13.          Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good.
24.          Actions have Consequences.  (My addition – so does inaction).
3.            Don’t Get Mad, except on purpose.

All forty-five of the Laws are worth reading.  Check them out here!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post Scott! The Leadership Institute is proud of graduates who put their training into practice.

    Lauren Hart
    External Affairs Officer
    Leadership Institute
